I offer intuitive guidance to bring insight and healing to problems or questions, as well as help you to grow your intuitive ability. You were born with a sense of intuition, and once you learn how to use it, you may receive an intuitive message from your Higher Self connection to Spirit any time you ask for one. That guidance can only be positive, true, and beneficial for you and all life. Higher Self wisdom always feels clear and light in your mind and body, which is how you instantly know the moment you're in or out of contact with it. Without a link to Higher Self wisdom, you may feel like a stranger in your skin, far away from your true purpose and power, and your luminous origins in Spirit.
What gets in the way of enjoying the wonderful life you dream of is emotional trauma and dis-ease, stress, and negative, interfering energies which block the truth of who you are in God. If you face more struggle, limitation, and suffering in life than a flow of love, contentment, and peace of mind, then intuitive guidance can offer helpful, practical answers to everyday problems.
As you heal and experience life in this intuitive, sentient way, you'll feel more present, grounded, and adaptive to change and the unknown. It will save you time, energy, and regret from making unfavorable, limiting choices, and lead you to the life you truly desire. Here are more benefits of this work:
Attract healthy, loving relationships, addressing relationship and trust issues
Achieve clarity on the right course of action and timing of decisions and projects
Release trauma, heal conflict, pain, grief or loss
Allow self-acceptance, inner peace, love, and joy to flourish
Awaken spiritual awareness, develop a personal connection with God
Every soul is on a journey of growing awareness through love and healing. I invite you to intuitively experience your uniqueness, and celebrate the gifts you were born to share. In this way, the great mystery of life becomes beautifully clear, calm, and comforting. It is an honor— and my calling— to greet you here.

Intuitive guidance that brings insight and healing

Every soul is on a journey of growing awareness through love and healing. I invite you to intuitively experience your uniqueness, and celebrate the gifts you were born to share. In this way, the great mystery of life becomes beautifully clear, calm, and comforting. It is an honor, and my calling, to greet you here.